Three houseplants for the perfect Valentine's Day gift

Searches for my post on Hoya kerrii - the sweetheart vine - have gone skyrocketing this week, I suppose as a result of the approach of February 14 - Valentine's day. I always struggle with the irony of this plant as a symbol of your growing love for someone, given that it literally is NOT going to grow into a plant (unless you are very lucky and wait several years for a tiny slip of stem tissue attached to the leaf stalk to generate into a new vine).

Likewise, maybe Dieffenbachia, the leopard lily, carries way too much freight of history to make a suitable gift for your lover - (it has links to slavery, Nazis, casual misogyny and domestic violence - it's all laid out in the Dieffenbachia chapter of my book Legends of the Leaf). 

So what does make a good plant for a Valentine, a Galentine or, dare I say it, yourself*? I am going to suggest three perfect plants you may not have thought about:

Silver Squill (Ledebouria socialis)

There's a leopard lily I would recommend for a loved one. Silver squill is also given the common name leopard lily, but this species is a bulbous South African native that deals well with a range of conditions. Its bulb isn't hidden away - you'll see it sitting on the surface of the soil. I love the silver inscribed and spotted leaves that remind me of UK native orchids. It's just a charming, unusual plant that should be a part of everyone's collection. (I accidentally gave my last one away so if anyone wants to do a little swapping, let me know!)

Grape ivy (Cissus rhombifolia - aka Cissus alata)

This is a classy, classic trailing plant that deserves to be as popular as it used to be back in the 70s. It looks like a grapevine so you can imagine you're on a holiday in the Med every time you look at it, and it's supremely unfussy and tough so your lover won't kill it. I talk more about this plant and why it's so brilliant in question three of my Q&A special in On The Ledge episode 285. It's in the same genus as the rex begonia vine Cissus discolor but way easier. 

Small African violets (Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia)

These are just so cute you won't be able to resist: and African violets are going to be in fashion this year, I promise! I think the miniature and semi miniature AVs are the way to go as a gift - they don't take up much room and look like dollshouse plants. My favourite is 'Pixie Blue', a trailer with classic deep blue flowers - if you prefer Barbie pink try 'Dawn Michelle' which is a semi mini or 'Little Bo Peep', a mini. In the UK the best supplier is Dibleys - there are many more choices in the US. You could buy a few and plant them up in a container of your choice - keep them in individual pots but pack the rest of the space with moss or leca (expanded clay pebbles) and you'll create the perfect AV environment. 

I'd love to know what houseplants you'll be gifting for Valentines or any other occasion this year. Drop me a line!

*The best planty gifts are the ones you buy yourself. Just saying.

This blogpost was taken from The Plant Ledger, my email newsletter about the houseplant scene. Subscribe here and get my free in-depth guide to fungus gnats.